Belgian PhD studentsBelgian PhD studentsIf you are a Belgian PhD student, you may be interested in validating the attendance at the conference and/or the reading group as part of your PhD education. It has been arranged with the Graduate School of Physics and Astrophysics (making part of FNRS Graduate College of Science) that students from that school can receive 1 credit per day of the conference, on the condition of attendance, and 1 credit for the reading group, on the condition of reading one of the associated texts and participating actively in the discussion. For FNRS Graduate College of Philosophy, the participation in the conference together with the reading group can be validated for 3 credits on the condition of attendance and of writing a report of 2-3 pages. If you require a validation for one of these Colleges, inform the organisers in advance so that they be ready to check your participation and give you a certificate. Other attendees may also request a certificate from the organisers.